This demo plugin shows how to create your own form for Screen Options panel.
Method was successfully implemented in Q2W3 Inc Manager Plugin and tested for compatibility with WP 2.8.x and WP 2.9.1.

WARNING! Do not use this method if WP 2.8 metaboxes are used on your plugin settings page (functions add_meta_box and on_screen_layout_columns)!
You can DOWNLOAD demo plugin or view its source code below (explanation how it works in code comments):
<?php /* Plugin Name: Q2W3 Screen Options Hack Demo Plugin URI: Description: This demo plugin shows how to create your own form for Screen Options panel Version: 1.0 Author: Max Bond Author URI: */ // Plugin initialization add_action('init', array('q2w3_screen_options_hack_demo','reg_hooks')); register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array('q2w3_screen_options_hack_demo', 'de_activate')); if (class_exists('q2w3_screen_options_hack_demo', false)) return; // if class already loaded returns control to the main script // Plugin class. PHP5 OOP style. class q2w3_screen_options_hack_demo { public static $plugin_page_id; public static $user_option_name = 'sohdemo'; // option name must not contain digits!!! /** * Deletes all plugin entries in usermeta table * */ public static function de_activate() { global $wpdb; $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM '. $wpdb->usermeta ." WHERE meta_key = '". self::$user_option_name ."'"); } /** * Registers plugin hooks * */ public static function reg_hooks() { if (is_admin()) { // admin actions add_action('admin_menu', array(__CLASS__, 'reg_menu')); add_filter('set-screen-option', array(__CLASS__, 'screen_options_save'), 10, 3); // registers function used to prepare Screen Options form data before saving to db } } /** * Creates admin menu entries and registers functions which will display Screen Options and Help panels content * */ public static function reg_menu() { self::$plugin_page_id = add_submenu_page('plugins.php', 'Q2W3 Screen Options Hack DEMO', 'Q2W3 SOH DEMO', 8, plugin_basename(__FILE__), array(__CLASS__,'settings_page')); // creates menu item under plugins section add_action('manage_'. self::$plugin_page_id .'_columns', array(__CLASS__, 'screen_options_form')); // for Screen Options panel add_action('contextual_help_list', array(__CLASS__, 'help_form')); // for Help panel } /** * Displays plugin settings page * */ public static function settings_page() { $res = '<div>'.PHP_EOL; $res .= '<h2>Q2W3 Screen Options Hack Demo</h2>'.PHP_EOL; $res .= '<p>Check screen options panel</p>'; $res .= '</div><!--wrap-->'.PHP_EOL; echo $res; } /** * This function activates and modifies Screen Options panel. * * Do not use this method if WP 2.8 metaboxes are used on your plugin settings page (functions add_meta_box and on_screen_layout_columns)! * * Bind this function to "manage_{plugin_page_id}_columns" hook, * where {plugin_page_id} is plugin settings page ID which returned by add_submenu_page function. * * By default Screen Options panel is disabled on plugin settings page. To activate it, function binded to "manage_{plugin_page_id}_columns" hook must return array with at least one key-value pair. * This array will be used to generate checkboxes in Screen Options, where array keys will be used as IDs and array values will be used as checkbox labels. * The main idea is to return only one key-value pare where value will contain html-code of new Screen Options form elements. * This is possible because WP does not stripe out tags from checkbox labels. * Checkbox automatically created by WP can be easily hidden with small jQuery code. * */ public static function screen_options_form($columns) { $checkboxes = array('option_1'=>'Option 1', 'option_2'=>'Option 2', 'option_3'=>'Option 3'); // array of our custom checkboxes (keys used as IDs and values as labels) $text_fields = array('option_4'=>'Option 4'); // array of custom text fields $default_values = array('option_1'=>'1', 'option_2'=>'0', 'option_3'=>'1', 'option_4'=>'This is a text'); // default values for all elements $values = get_user_option(self::$user_option_name); // load values from db if ($values !== false) { // if values exist $values = unserialize($values); // recreating variables from string } else { // if there are no values $values = $default_values; // using default values } $column_id = 'screen_options_hack'; // this id will be used to identify and hide checkbox which will be automatically created by WP $hack = '</label><script type="text/javascript">jQuery("label[for=\''. $column_id .'-hide\']").hide()</script>'.PHP_EOL; // using jQuery to hide unnecessary checkbox foreach ($checkboxes as $key=>$name) { // display checkboxes $hack .= '<div style="float: left; margin-left: 9px">'; if ($values[$key] == '1') $checked = ' checked="checked"'; else $checked = false; $hack .= '<input type="checkbox" name="wp_screen_options[value]['. $key .']" value="1" '. $checked .'/>'. $name; // note field name attribute value (do not change it) $hack .= '</div>'; } $hack .= '<div style="clear: left; font-size: 0px"> </div>'.PHP_EOL; $hack .= '<h5>Other options</h5><div>'; foreach ($text_fields as $key=>$name) { // display text fields $hack .= $name .' <input type="text" name="wp_screen_options[value]['. $key .']" value="'. $values[$key] .'" />'.PHP_EOL; // note field name attribute value (do not change it) } $hack .= '<input type="hidden" name="wp_screen_options[option]" value="'. self::$user_option_name .'" />'; // screen options db variable name (make sure it does not contain digits). Do not change field name attribute value! $hack .= '<input type="submit" value="Apply" />'; // submit button $hack .= '</div>'; return array($column_id=>$hack); } /** * Prepares Screen Options form data before saving to db * */ public static function screen_options_save($value, $option_name, $new_settings) { // here you can sanitize or change data $new_settings['option_4'] = htmlspecialchars(trim($new_settings['option_4']), ENT_QUOTES); return serialize($new_settings); // return array must be serialized! } /** * Adds help text to plugin settings page Help panel * */ public static function help_form($help_content) { $help_content[self::$plugin_page_id] = 'Help for plugin settings page'; // using self::$plugin_page_id as array key adds your text only to plugin settings page. return $help_content; } } // end of class ?>
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