Q2W3 Post Order WordPress Plugin

This plugin lets you manipulate the order in which posts are displayed.

Requires WP 3.1 or higher!

Q2W3 Post Order is a descendant of a well known AStickyPostOrderER plugin. Because it was not updated for a long time I decided to make an upgrade which could be available from wordpress.org.

The main changes are:

  1. Since version 1.1.0 added ability to stylize ordered posts (see FAQ for details)
  2. Plugin was completely rewritten
  3. Now you can change order of posts on custom taxonomy and custom post type archive pages
  4. Removed Meta-Stickiness options — the plugin became lighter, faster and easier to use
  5. Added support for internationalization
  6. Advanced uninstall
  7. Plugin settings page was moved from Tools to Settings section

Supported languages:

  • English
  • Russian (ver. 1.2.4)

How to install:

Important! if you have AStickyPostOrderER installed — deactivate it before installation!

Then you can use standard plugin installation procedure inside WordPress, or manually download and install plugin.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to enable custom taxonomies and custom post types support?
    Open plugin setting page. Look in upper right corner of the screen, there is a Screen Options dropdown panel. There you can enable/disable custom taxonomies and post types.
  • How to stylize ordered posts?
    For each ordered post two css classes are set: q2w3-post-order and q2w3-post-order-{n}, where {n} is post position number.
    Use q2w3-post-order css class to set general style for ordered posts.
    Use q2w3-post-order-{n} to set unique style for specific post position.
    Note! You have to use post_class() template tag in your theme.
  • How to disable plugin for feeds, pages and custom queries?
    You can add a parameter q2w3-post-order=disable to the url.
    For example http://example.com/feed/?q2w3-post-order=disable — that meens your main feed will be sorted in natural order.
    If you use custom queries:


    Array style:

    query_posts(array('cat'=>13,'showposts'=> 10,'q2w3-post-order'=>'disable'));


  • 1.2.8
    Added post date in post listing tables
    Fixed a few more php warnings and notices
  • 1.2.7
    Trying to fix problems with post saving
  • 1.2.6
    Fixed Problem with the update
    Fixed Does not sync the sorted list when updated the post
    Fixed Private posts are not listed
  • 1.2.5
    Fixed Minor coding issue with WP 3.5
    Tested compatibility with WP 3.5
  • 1.2.4
    Fixed a few non critical bugs
    Updated help section
    Added russian translation
    Tested compatibility with WP 3.4.1
  • 1.2.3
    Fixed bug when installed with ClassiPress Theme
  • 1.2.2
    Fixed php warnings and notices
    Post order number now can contain up to 6 digits
  • 1.2.1
    Fixed bug with 404 page on sites with non standard db_prefix
    Checked compatibility with WordPress 3.3 RC3
  • 1.2.0
    Added debug mode.
    Added option which allows Editors to access plugin settings page.
  • 1.1.0
    Added ability to stylize ordered posts.
    Fixed small bug with post ordering in hierarchical taxonomies.
  • 1.0.0
    First public release.


Other Q2W3 plugins:

77 ответов к “Q2W3 Post Order WordPress Plugin”

I update now to version 1.2.4 and i get this error:

«Hourly confirmation attempts exceeded!
Press your back button and try something else.»

How can i fix it??Can you help me please?

Best Regards

«Can you access wp-admin?» ——> yes!

by email:
«At this time custom queries not supported..».—-> but in previous version work very well.

best regards

Thanks for this plugin !
It doesn’t seems to work with custom types and WP_QUERY :(

$args = array( 'post_type' => 'my-customtype', 'posts_per_page' => 10,'post_status' =>'publish' );
$loop = new WP_Query( $args );

Any tips for this ?

Thanks !!

Hi Max Bond,

How can I disable the plugin for custom queries that use WP_Query?

In our spotlight and sidebar there are custom queries using WP_Query.


When I use q2w3-post-order=disable the plugin is still interfering with my custom queries:

$args = array('meta_key'=>'skyali_spotlight','showposts'=>20,'q2w3-post-order'=>'disable','post_type'=>array('post','page')); ?>
<?php $spotlight = new WP_Query($args); while($spotlight->have_posts()) : $spotlight->the_post();

and this one:

$popular_posts = new WP_Query();
while ($popular_posts->have_posts()) : $popular_posts->the_post();

When I use ?q2w3-post-order=disable in the URL my custom queries look fine but than ofcourse q2w3-post-order is not showing the right order for the category.

Can you tell me how can disable q2w3-post-order on my custom queries?

Thanks Norman

Solved it for now…

I have put this before my custom queries:

remove_filter( 'posts_request', array( 'q2w3_post_order', 'sort' ) );

and this after:

add_filter( 'posts_request', array( 'q2w3_post_order', 'sort' ) );

So that the main query can use q2w3_post_order!

(I’m not a programmer, so maybe there is a better solution ;-)

Like your plugin! Will use it in all my projects because optimizing categories is very important for SEO.

BTW: your plugin is also WPML compatible…nice!


I used AStickyPostOrderER in the past and I’m very happy to use your plugin now!

How do I make a sorted post unsorted again?

Why… when I use the styled ordered posts then I need to be able to make a post unsorted again.

I try to deactive and deinstall the plugin, but it would not let me. It keeps aksing me if I am sure over and over. If I try to delete the plugin it tells me permission denied and I am not able to change 755 to 777 — please help!

You can delete plygin via ftp connection. Do you have ftp access to your site?
If you’ve already tried this and got permission denied error, ask your hoster support.
It looks like hosting related problem.

I’m so excited to find this plugin since the astickypostorderer didn’t work. I followed the directions for the install. I went to the category I wanted and sorted the two posts in that category. Now nothing shows up except the message «Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.»

I’m using Genesis 1.8 and child theme Streamline 1.0.1


I have installed Q2W3 and it is working corrected on Category archive pages but does not work at all on the site’s home page. I am using the Magazine Premium created by bavotasan.com

Can you help?


I encountered some problem using the plugin. There seem to be some kind of bugs.
Some post are missing when i try sorting them into categories after activate the plugin.

I had save some photo showing the defect but do not know how to upload it here.

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